# Release notes ## v1.11.8 - Remove react-bootstrap from the GenomePositionSearchBox - Make vertical chromosome labels as well as loading status labels readable in vertical tracks - Added an option menu item for rectangle domain fill opacity - Added a parameter in `zoomToGene` to allow specifying padding around gene - Add data fetchers to `AVAILABLE_FOR_PLUGINS` - Update track list in `AVAILABLE_FOR_PLUGINS` - Correctly setup initial scales of vertical tracks when the width of a center track is zero. - Config-wise, allow axis-specific location locks (e.g., lock the vertical axis in a view to the horizontal axis in another). - Add `reload` implementation to `HiGlassComponenet` API. _[Detailed changes since v1.11.5](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.7...develop)_ ## v1.11.7 - Show visual clue when tileset info is not available ("Tileset info not found. ..."). - Properly initialize the style of 1D brushes (`viewport-projection-horizontal` and `viewport-projection-vertical`). _[Detailed changes since v1.11.5](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.6...v1.11.7)_ ## v1.11.6 - Allow implementing plugin viewport projection tracks using `config.projection`. - Change the default value of `zoomLimits` to `[1, null]`, which means highest zoom resolution is 1bp. _[Detailed changes since v1.11.5](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.5...v1.11.6)_ ## v1.11.5 - Add a `zoomToGene` API that allows to zoom a HiGlass view to a location near a certain gene. - Add a `suggestGene` API that returns a list of genes of top match for a given keyword based on `autocompleteServer`. - Add a top-level option, `compactLayout`, that controls to allow adding vertical gaps between views. _[Detailed changes since v1.11.4](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.4...v1.11.5)_ ## v1.11.4 - Fix colorbar error on degenerate colorscale - Update horizontal heatmap to regular heatmap rendering so that they can use the same options _[Detailed changes since v1.11.3](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.3...v1.11.4)_ ## v1.11.3 - Show a more comprehensive list of track types in the track config menu - Break up HiGlassComponentTests - Show only integer ticks in `HorizontalChromosomeLabels` tracks because it is misleading to have decimal values in genomic coordinates. - Add a `reverseOrientation` option in `HorizontalChromosomeLabels` tracks to allow aligning tick labels and lines on the top or left. - Make overlays SVG exportable - Fix a bug that led to the app crash when `selectRows` is set to an empty array `[]` - Break up and turn off some tests - Fix gene annotation mouseover _[Detailed changes since v1.11.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.2...v1.11.3)_ ## v1.11.2 - Fix registration of plugin tracks - Don't try to render names of filler annotations _[Detailed changes since v1.11.1](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.1...v1.11.2)_ ## v1.11.1 - Fix multivec SVG export - Added `ChromosomeInfo` and `SearchField` classes to `AVAILABLE_TO_PLUGINS`. _[Detailed changes since v1.11.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.11.0...v1.11.1)_ ## v1.11.0 - Make gene annotations rotatable so that they can be added on the left - Tracks can now modify their own dimensions by publishing `trackDimensionsModified`. - Fixed a bug preventing usage of `data.url` and HorizontalMultivecTrack server-side aggregation simultaneously. - Fixed a bug preventing an updated value of `track.options.selectRows` from triggering a HorizontalMultivecTrack track update when using server-side aggregation (`track.options.selectRowsAggregationMethod === 'server'`). - Added the JS API `.on('geneSearch', callback)` option for subscribing to gene search events. - Simplify plugin track registry - Implemented plugin data fetchers. _[Detailed changes since v1.10.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.10.2...v1.11.0)_ ## v1.10.2 - Remove view config validation from `hgApi.getViewConfig()` and `hgApi.setViewConfig()` and instead move it into a new method called `hgApi.validateViewConfig(viewConfig, { verbose: false } = {})` _[Detailed changes since v1.10.1](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.10.1...v1.10.2)_ ## v1.10.1 - Remove text/plain encoding from tile proxy text fetcher - Added the `selectRowsAggregationMethod` option for the `horizontal-multivec` track to enable server-side aggregation if set to `"server"` rather than the default `"client"`. - In the view config, moved the `fileUrl` track property under the `data` property: `data: { url, server, filetype }`. _[Detailed changes since v1.10.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.10.0...v1.10.1)_ ## v1.10.0 - Fixed horizontal and vertical cross sections - Changed the style for the mouse over dialog to have a maximum width of 50 and to break words so that it doesn't go off the screen if there's a very long mouseover text. - Lower the default annotation height in the Gene Annotations track - Colors for rules - Ability to load genome position search box chromosome sizes from an arbitrary location - Plugin tracks can provide their own config menu options - Remove horizontal-_ and vertical-_ prefixes from track names - Load matrices with "None" data transform without crashing - Add a view for showing schema log messages when JSON codes are edited in a config view. _[Detailed changes since v1.9.5](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.9.5...v1.10.0)_ ## v1.9.5 - Removed styles for naked td tag - Reader for text genbank data (i.e. not pulled from a url) _[Detailed changes since v1.9.4](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.9.4...v.1.9.5)_ ## v1.9.4 - Added the `resolveImmediately` parameter to the setViewConfig API call. - Zooming can now be restricted by specifying `zoomLimits` in the viewconf. - Fixed bug where the track config menu improperly positioned when clicked twice. - Update the heatmap option interface to allow seeing the preview when a color picker is opened. - Display an error message on tiles with errors in them - Don't try to assign a color value scale if the colorEncoding is set to itemRgb. itemRgb means that the color is present directly in the annotation - Add an option to separate the + / - strand annotations in the bedlike track _[Detailed changes since v1.9.3](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.9.3...v.1.9.4)_ ## v1.9.3 - Consolidated track options of horizontal and vertical tracks - Set background of new heatmap tracks in a combined track to `transparent` when added via the track context menu. - Fixed bug where heatmap labels could not be hidden. - The position of labels and colorbars for split heatmaps can now be changed. - Use itemRgb field in bed files as the default coloring for bedlike tracks _[Detailed changes since v1.9.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.9.2...v.1.9.3)_ ## v1.9.2 - Fixed divided tracks bug by adding denseDataExtrema - Fixed divergent bar track - Made the bar track compatible with the local tile fetcher - Added fontColor, fontSize and fillOpacity options to BedLikeTrack - Added cheat code for making the component editable (i.e. with headers) - Fixed track names in config menu - Keep locks on track type change - Fix crashing higlass on non-existent value scale lock member _[Detailed changes since v1.9.1](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.9.1...v1.9.2)_ ## v1.9.1 - Used stretchRects to ensure that there are no rendering artifacts when zooming in too far - Added scaled as a potential value to the annotationHeight option - Added the maxAnnotationHeight option to limit the size of annotations when using the scaled option for annotationHeight - Added the fontSize option for bedlike tracks - colorAnnotations are independent of valueScale - Vertical zooming on BedLike annotations - Added support for aggregation of `horizontal-multivec` rows by passing arrays of row indices to the `selectRows` option. With this addition also comes the track options `selectRowsAggregationMode` (for specifying an aggregation function, "mean", "sum", "variance", "deviation") and `selectRowsAggregationWithRelativeHeight` (boolean) to determine whether rows representing groups of indices have 1-unit heights or `group.length`-unit heights. - Added the JS API `.on('wheel', callback)` option for subscribing to mouse wheel events. _[Detailed changes since v1.9.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.9.0...v1.9.1)_ ## v1.9.0 - Support for gene annotation "filler" regions - Clickable gene annotations - Slightly updated gene annotation style with arrowheads at the ends - Remove Content-Type headers when fetching genbank files - Added the fields `xRange` and `yRange` the object returned by the JavaScript API `.getLocation()` method. - Fixed blurry exported heatmap SVG graphics issue using the `image-rendering` CSS property. - Enabled view-based scaling - Left and right tracks can now be value scale locked - Added the attributes `projectionXDomain` and `projectionYDomain` to the `viewport-projection-horizontal` and `viewport-projection-vertical`, respectively, and both to the `viewport-projection-center`, to support the case in which the `fromViewUid` attribute is undefined. - Added the `.on('createSVG')` listener to the JS API, with the corresponding `.off('createSVG')`, for manipulating exported SVGs before they are returned. - Added `zeroValueColor` as an option for the `horizontal-multivec` track, to specify the color mapping for zero data values. - Track resizing events now trigger the `.on('viewConfig')` JS API callback. - Allowed K and M notations when entering genomic coordinates in searchbox (e.g., "chr1:150M-155M"). - Specify raw tiles locally in the viewconf _[Detailed changes since v1.8.4](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.8.4...v1.9.0)_ ## v1.8.4 - Corrupted lock bug fix - Export to SVG with no loaded tiles bug fix - `selectRows` option for Horizontal Multivec Tracks _[Detailed changes since v1.8.3](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.8.3...v1.8.4)_ ## v1.8.3 - Added "empty" track _[Detailed changes since v1.8.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.8.2...v1.8.3)_ ## v1.8.2 - Fixed horizontal track not rendering properly in vertical position bug _[Detailed changes since v1.8.1](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.8.1...v1.8.2)_ ## v1.8.1 - Prettified JS code - Added `labelShowAssembly` as an option to allow hiding the assembly in track label (e.g. `hg19 |` text) - Added `tickFormat` and `tickPosition` options to the chromosome labels track - Enabled the colorbar slider by adding the options `colorbarPosition` and `colorbarBackgroundColor` for the `horizontal-multivec` - Added release notes to docs. - Added support for selecting and filtering rows of the `horizontal-multivec` track via the `selectRows` option. _[Detailed changes since v1.8.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.8.0...v1.8.1)_ ## v1.8.0 - Added the option to flip 2D annotations across the diagonal - Update heatmap docs with colorRange parameter - Update BedLikeTrack to display strand-specific entries - Added 'segment' style to the BedLikeTrack - Updated default plot types when adding tracks - When adding multiple tracks at once that have different datatype, each track is added with its default plot type. The plot type chooser is hidden. - In `HorizontalLine1DPixiTrack`, make sure that `this.valueScale` is set when `getMouseOverHtml()` is called. - VerticalRule, HorizontalRule, and CrossRule tracks included in SVG and PNG exports. _[Detailed changes since v1.7.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.7.2...v1.8.0)_ ## v1.7.2 - Refactored the scroll options and `bounded` into a new property called `sizeMode`. There are now 4 different size modes, which determine the visible height of the HiGlass instance: 1. `default`: the height is given by the sum of the tracks' heights 2. `bounded`: tells the HiGlass component to bind the height to the parent container by dynamically adjusting the height of center tracks. 3. `scroll`: will activate scrolling by stretching HiGlass' drawing surface to the extent of parent DOM element and hiding overflowing content in the x direction and allowing to scroll when content overflows in the y direction. 4. `overflow`: same as `scroll` except that you can't scroll. This mode is only needed when you want to dynamically switch between scrolling and pan+zooming. _[Detailed changes since v1.7.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.7.0...v1.7.2)_ ## v1.7.1 _Same as v1.7.0. This is just due to a glitch at npmjs.org._ ## v1.7.0 - Add support for scrollable views. Activate via the option `scrollable: true`. Once you activate scrollable views all views are automatically zoomfixed! See [http://localhost:8080/others/scrollable-container.html](others/scrollable-container.html) for an example. - Add `option(key, value)` to the JS API for changing options. It supports getting all options when `value` is ommited and setting `scrollable`. - Properly display "Loading" while loading tileset info - Add support to ignore offscreen values for value scale locking by setting `ignoreOffScreenValues: true` for a lock group in `locksDict`. _[Detailed changes since v1.6.12](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.12...v1.7.0)_ ## v1.6.12 - Rename React lifecycle methods according to their recommendations - Add support for borders (via the `stroke`, `strokeWidth`, `strokeOpacity`, and `strokePos` options) and outlines (via the `outline`, `outlineWidth`, `outlineOpacity`, and `outlinePos` options) to overlays. See [http://localhost:8080/apis/svg.html?/viewconfs/fancy-overlays.json](http://localhost:8080/apis/svg.html?/viewconfs/fancy-overlays.json) for an example. - Fixed horizontal rule bug (from Slack) _[Detailed changes since v1.6.11](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.11...v1.6.12)_ ## v1.6.11 - Overlay track bug fixes - Added `minWidth` and `minHeight` options to `overlays` for better guidance - Allow viewconf JSON to override minimum track height or width defaults, when a track specifies a `minHeight` or `minWidth` parameter _[Detailed changes since v1.6.10](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.10...v1.6.11)_ ## v1.6.10 - Add API call for show track chooser (`hgApi.showTrackChooser()`) - Limit icon size in plot type chooser - Add non-gzipped support to genbank-fetcher - Better error handling for genbank fetcher _[Detailed changes since v1.6.9](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.9...v1.6.10)_ ## v1.6.9 - Enable brushing on bar, point, and 1d-heatmap tracks _[Detailed changes since v1.6.8](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.8...v1.6.9)_ ## v1.6.8 - Add infrastructure for value scale zooming - Fixed the colors when dragging a track over a higlass display - Added support for value scale zooming - Added utils/track-utils to provide track functionality for use without inheritance - Implemented a genbank data fetcher for gene annotation tracks _[Detailed changes since v1.6.7](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.7...v1.6.8)_ ## v1.6.7 - Fix #747: the tooltip value wasn't shown because of an issue related to minimizing the code - Fix #743: the tooltip position now incorporates the scroll position - Fix drag handle styling (typo) - Make drag handle area (not the style) bigger so it's easier to grab _[Detailed changes since v1.6.6](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.6...v1.6.7)_ ## v1.6.6 - Fix #732: Remove the hold ALT feature as it's confusion and leads to a weird bug. - Fix leaking dark mode setting - Change option to activate dark theme from `isDarkTheme: true` to `theme: 'dark'`. Also, use `setTheme()` of the JsAPI instead of `setDarkTheme()` from now on. - Copy the tile data before mutation to fix an issue when displaying the same tileset twice (once in the upper right and lower left triangle) _[Detailed changes since v1.6.5](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.5...v1.6.6)_ ## v1.6.5 - Fixed the replace track bug (where replacing a center track wouldn't do anything) _[Detailed changes since v1.6.4](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.4...v1.6.5)_ ## v1.6.4 - Truly fix #593: zoom to data extent when adding the first track to an empty view _[Detailed changes since v1.6.3](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.3...v1.6.4)_ ## v1.6.3 - Dynamically update dark theme when the options change - Fix #722: added `labelShowResolution` as an option to allow hiding the `[Current data resolution...]` text - Add support for missing values (`NaN`s) to the 1D heatmap track - Use the new link format _[Detailed changes since v1.6.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.2...v1.6.3)_ ## v1.6.2 - Render `horizontal-heatmap` track properly in PIXI v4 and v5 - Expose pixi renderer to plugin tracks to allow them to render textures from graphics objects. (More here: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/issues/5394) _[Detailed changes since v1.6.1](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.1...v1.6.2)_ ## v1.6.1 - Fix visual glitches with the new Modal when run in `higlass-app` - Really fix #651: set correct namespace for SVG exports - Treat `tilesetInfo.mirror_tiles = false` as a falsy value - Fixed: `Save and Close` in the ViewConfigEditor works properly _[Detailed changes since v1.6.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.6.0...v1.6.1)_ ## v1.6.0 - Add an option to restrict the extent of central heatmaps to the upper-right or lower-left corner to enable comparison of two heatmaps in the center. Run `npm start` and see [http://localhost:8080/apis/svg.html?/viewconfs/diagonal-split-heatmap.json](http://localhost:8080/apis/svg.html?/viewconfs/diagonal-split-heatmap.json) for an example - Updated `pixi.js` to version `5`. In your `html` files you need to replace the previous PixiJS loader with `` (or `` if you want to use the Canvas renderer) - Add a dialog to directly edit the view config in the browser - Replace ReactBootstrap modal with custom modal to not rely on Bootstrap and support Jupyter - Updated `pub-sub-es` to version `1.2.1` to fix a bug in the shorthand event unsubscription - Added an example of a map overlay - Support semi-transparent colormaps through RGBA colors - Update Mapbox endpoint. See [http://localhost:8080/others/mapbox.html](http://localhost:8080/others/mapbox.html) for an example. - Improve performance of the `mousemove`-related event handling - Remove unused properties from the exported view config - Improve performance of tiles fetching through a combination of throttling and debouncing - Fix a minor visual glitch with the positioning of track-related `div`s - Fix OSM track to avoid CORS issues in Chrome and allow setting `minPos` to `0` - Fix #648: Auto select and copy URL when exporting a view by link - Fix #647: Shows correct URL when specifying an absolute URL as `exportViewUrl` in the viewconf - Fix #651: set correct namespace for SVG exports - Fix #593: zoom to data extent when adding the first track to an empty view _[Detailed changes since v1.5.8](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.8...v1.6.0)_ ## v1.5.8 - Fix a value scale syncing bug - Update the docs _[Detailed changes since v1.5.7](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.7...v1.5.8)_ ## v1.5.7 - Fix #637 - SVG export fill color doesn't match what is selected - Switch to nearest neighbor interpolation for horizontal heatmaps _[Detailed changes since v1.5.8](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.6...v1.5.7)_ ## v1.5.6 - Allow any horizontal track to also be placed on the left or right _[Detailed changes since v1.5.8](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.6...v1.5.7)_ ## v1.5.5 - Fixed #612: resolved an issue with caseinsensitive chromosome names - Destroy heatmap sprites and axis texts to mitigate memory leak _[Detailed changes since v1.5.4](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.4...v1.5.5)_ ## v1.5.4 - Fix the multiple component passive event issue by replacing the dom-event.js handlers with a class so that each component maintains its own context _[Detailed changes since v1.5.3](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.3...v1.5.4)_ ## v1.5.3 - Let HorizontalLineTracks look up tileset_info.tile_size and tileset_info.bins_per_dimension - Specify default track types directly in `showAvailableTrackTypes` API - Updated the docs deploy directory - Updated the javascript API example to include a full working html page - Use default height for new tracks rather than min height. Fixes newly added gene annotations so that they show names without having to be resized - Fixed bug that was causing overlay tracks to not appear - Fixed horizontal-vector-heatmap error thrown bug by padding incomplete incoming data arrays _[Detailed changes since v1.5.1](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.1...v1.5.3)_ ## v1.5.1 - Fixed UI hanging on mouseover of zoomed out matrix bug - Fixed #588: horizontal heatmap zoom limit bug - Reset value scale locks when new viewconf is added - Added a default track type for the chromsizes datatype - Fixed drag handler pubSub reference - Fixed #596: scrolling while zooming bug introduced in latest chrome _[Detailed changes since v1.5.0](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.5.0...v1.5.1)_ ## v1.5.0 - Allow sharing the mouse position globally. See [`docs/examples/others/global-mouse-position.html`](docs/examples/others/global-mouse-position.html) for an example. - Allow disabling the change of views and tracks separately by setting `viewEditable: false` and `tracksEditable: false` in your view config. - Added ability to define label margins. See [`docs/examples/viewconfs/label-margin.json`](docs/examples/viewconfs/label-margin.json) for an example. - Make view spacing adjustable via initialization options. See [/docs/examples/others/adjust-view-spacing.html](/docs/examples/others/adjust-view-spacing.html) for an example. - Add a new option to tracks that support axis: `axisMargin` to add some margin to an axis. See [docs/examples/viewconfs/axis-margin.json](docs/examples/viewconfs/axis-margin.json) for an example - Add a new option to BarTrack for drawing a demarcation line at the bottom of the track, i.e., at the zero value. See [`/apis/svg.html?/viewconfs/bar-zero-line.json`](/apis/svg.html?/viewconfs/bar-zero-line.json) for an example. - Fixed an issue with small offsets when exporting bar tracks to SVG - Fixed an issue where bars in a `BarTrack` related to values higher than `valueScaleMax` were not drawn. - Fixed an issue with `hgApi.setTrackValueScaleLimits` - Fix #291: allow web page scrolling when zoomFixed is set to true - Fix #578: BarTrack SVG export overplotting error. - Fix #584: Reset viewport is broken _[Detailed changes since v1.4.2](https://github.com/higlass/higlass/compare/v1.4.2...v1.5.0)_ ## v1.4.2 - Fix #568, #569 ## v1.4.1 - Allow users to choose adding the chromosome grid overlay from the Add Track Dialog when selecting a cooler file. - Expose version from hglib. E.g., `window.hglib.version` ## v1.4.0 - Add `constIndicators` as an option to 1D tracks for displaying a visual indicator (e.g., a line) at a constant value. - Added `[glyph-color]` as the default option for line and bar tracks - Add new public event `cursorLocation`. See [`docs/examples/apis/cursor-location.html`](docs/examples/apis/cursor-location.html) for an example. - Extend `mouseMoveZoom` event to support 1D data tracks. - Expose D3 libraries to plugin tracks - Overlay tracks now properly allow for extent to include multiple ranges. - Overlay tracks can now optionally have extent ranges configured as a 4-tuple, separating x ranges from y ranges ## v1.3.1 - Clear mouse position indicator when leaving the root dom element, on blurring the window, and when no track is hovered ## v1.3.0 - Changed `defaultOptions` to `defaultTrackOptions` in the hglib.viewer options. - Added `TiledPixiTrack.on` event handler to listen to data changes - Added several API endpoints: `getComponent()`, `setAuthHeader()`, `getAuthHeader()`, - Added export of several utility functions: `waitForJsonComplete()`, `waitForTilesLoaded()`, `waitForTransitionsFinished()`, `mountHGComponent()`, `getTrackObjectFromHGC()` - Added the ability to specify default track options through the API - Added nesting to the tileset finder so that tilesets can be grouped together into categories - Added the `axisLabelFormatting` option to 1d quantitative tracks - Added TiledPixiTrack.on event handler - Added getTrackObject to exports - Added support for overlay tracks - Minor bug fix wherein valueScaleMin and valueScaleMax weren't used when set to 0 - Added support for click event handling of 1D and 2D annotations from `1d-annotation` and `chromosome-2d-annotations` tracks - Cloned views split vertically first (#259) - Change component height when a new viewconf is passed in - Add a fudge factor to ensure that the entire view is shown in the grid layout - Refactored the pub-sub service to avoid implicit global event listening - Fix a minor visual glitch in the gene annotation track - Expose `mix()` from `mixwith` to plugin tracks - Support different aggregation modes (mean, min, max, std) for bigWig files - Changed `defaultOptions` to `defaultTrackOptions` in the hglib.viewer options. - Clear mouse position indicator when leaving the root dom element, on blurring the window, and when no track is hovered - Fix several issue with SVG export - Minor bug fix wherein valueScaleMin and valueScaleMax weren't used when set to 0 - Fix #401 - Fix #395 - Fix #360 - Support different aggregation modes (mean, min, max, std) for bigWig files ## v1.2.8 - Added `editable` as a possible option to hglib.viewer() - Enabled arbitrary tile resolution in HeatmapTiledPixiTrack. It just needs to receive `bins_per_dimension` in the tileset info. Otherwise it defaults to 256. ## v1.2.6 - Fixed trackSourceServer export - Fixed BedLikeTrack errors being thrown ## v1.2.5 - Fix remote viewConf loading in HiGlassComponent ## v1.2.4 - Fix #322 - Fix missing update of the value scale upon rerendering - Fix absToChr and chrToAbs of the ChromInfo API - Fixed a nasty rendering bug in the chrom labels track ## v1.2.3 - Fixed line inversion issue (#268) - Fixed fetched area size mismatch issue on mouseover - Added mouseover text to UI elements - Upgraded to webpack 4 - Started building hglib.js and hglib.min.js - Support for searching for gene names with dashes - Sort tilesets alphabetically (#256) - Fixed zoom linking issues (#251, #76) ## v1.2.1 and v1.2.2 - Accidental releases. Please ignore. ## v1.2.0 - Add 1D heatmap track (#303): Alternative visual representation of 1D bigwig tracks. See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/303 and https://github.com/higlass/higlass/blob/develop/docs/examples/1d-heatmap-track.html for an example. ![1D Heatmap Track](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/932103/43858298-a7463ece-9b1b-11e8-9da4-a6fccdde2406.png '1D Heatmap Track') - Add fixing y-scale of 1D data tracks (#297). See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/297 and https://github.com/higlass/higlass/blob/develop/docs/examples/api-set-track-value-scale-limits.html for an example. - Add JS-API for resetting the viewport back to the initial x and y domains in the viewconfig (#289) - Add JS-API for adjusting the margin of the HiGlass instance (#286). See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/286 for an example. - Add JS-API for getting the min and max value of a track (#298). See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/blob/develop/docs/examples/api-get-min-max-value.html for an example. - Enhance bed track (#278): support value encoding as the `y` offset or `color`. See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/278 for an example. - Enhance gene annotation track (#314): See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/314 and https://github.com/higlass/higlass/blob/develop/docs/examples/gene-annotations.html for an example. ![Enhanced Gene Annotation Track](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/932103/44225400-70b7f500-a15b-11e8-9656-d2ba161bccf7.png 'Enhanced Gene Annotation Track') - Enhance chrom label track (#305): add support for adjusting the font size, font alignment, and font outline to use space more economically. See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/305 and https://github.com/higlass/higlass/blob/develop/docs/examples/chromosome-labels.html for an example. ![Enhanced Chrom Label Track](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/932103/43924834-9baaf4c8-9bf3-11e8-8167-1ce1dce70849.png 'Enhanced Chrom Label Track') - Enhance bar track (#304): add color and gradient encoding plus diverging tracks. See https://github.com/higlass/higlass/pull/304 and https://github.com/higlass/higlass/blob/develop/docs/examples/bar-track-color-range.html for an example. ![Enhanced Bar Track](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/932103/43865156-c00aa53a-9b2f-11e8-9213-bfd0af04f491.png 'Enhanced Bar Track') - Expose `absToChr` and `chrToAbs` API on `ChromInfo` (#283 and #307) - Upgrade to React `v16.5` - Removed numjs (#320) - Update tool tip appearance (#309) - Make resize handle fade out and in upon mouse enter of a draggable div - Enlarge resize handle upon mouse enter - Remove all tracks from the 'whole' window when clearing the view - Fix viewport projection issue when there are vertical and horizontal rules - Fix colorbar positioning bug - Fix #317 (moving gene positions) - Fix #263 - Fix #245: track type selection bug - Fix #262: zoom to data extent issue ## v1.1.5 - Merge'd Chuck's PR for adding 'same-origin' to fetch request headers - Fixed a bug where a view without a layout is created with a width of 1 ## v1.1.4 - Fix the checkAllTilesetInfoReceived function so that it ignores left and top axis tracks - First release to be registered with Zenodo ## v1.1.3 - Add z-index to mouseover div so that it's not hidden behind other elements ## v1.1.2 - Inline the SVG styles so they aren't overwritten by other elments on the page - Inline TrackControl svg styles so they aren't overwritten by page css settings - Clear gene annotation graphics before redrawing ## v1.1.1 - Fixed export track data bug in heatmaps that are not combined tracks ## v1.1.0 - Check whether the tileset_info specifies that the tiles should be mirrored - Added data export feature - Added showMousePosition and showMouseTooltip to horizontal-bar-track ## v1.0.4 - Zoom through the viewport projection ## v1.0.3 - Fixed cross rule bug ## v1.0.2 - Added vertical divergent bar tracks - Fixed export in SVG - Fix mouseover error when trackrenderer hasn't been initialized yet - Added zoomFixed option to the top level of the viewconf - Use transpiled version of `mixwith.js` - Add options to change the background of the label and colorbar ## v1.0.1 (2018-06-14) - Fixed background export in SVG - Turned off line mouseover by default ## v1.0.0-alpha.12 - Fixed long loading bug on zoomed in genes ## v1.0.0-alpha.11 - Fixed gene stretching issues ## v1.0.0-alpha.10 - Fixed background rendering after resizing - Fixed viewconf export link (use state.viewconf vs props.viewconf) ## v1.0.0-alpha.9 - Fixed lock value scales ## v1.0.0-alpha.8 - Fixed tooltip scrollbar appearance - Fixed context menu appearing issue ## v1.0.0-alpha.7 - Fixed scrolling bug when multiple higlass components are on a single page - Fixed hover bug in combined tracks ## v1.0.0-alpha - Added triangles to genes - Preliminary authentication support - Added track for displaying gigapixel images - Added GeoJSON track and updated OSM track - Added mouseMoveZoom event to public API - Fixed and extended pubSub module - Added flexible per-track crosshair - Fixed and robustified range selection API - Display error message on error - Don't error when displaying menus when invalid track type is entered - Added an endpoint for sharing view configs as a link (`shareViewConfigAsLink()`) and exporting them as png and svg (`get('png' || 'svg')`) - Simplified `hglib` API - Updated third-party libs to get rid of deprecation warnings for React v16 - Fixed small bug in placing rules - Display error when failing to retrieve tilesetInfo * Added support for cross-section tracks - Rendering improvements ## v0.10.22 (2018-02-22) - Added options to change the fill color of bedlike tracks ## v0.10.21 (2018-02-21) - Exposed the ChromosomeInfo structure as part of the hglib API ## v0.10.20 (2018-02-?? - Rendering improvements ## v0.10.20 (2018-02-20) - Fixed api variable in HiGlassComponent - Fixed relToAbsChromPos so that it converts locations to numbers before adding - Added strokeWidth as an option to the viewport projection track ## v0.10.19 (2018-02-11) - Fixed the 2D chromosome labels track ## v0.10.18 (2018-02-11) - Fixed Horizontal2DTilesTrack ## v0.10.16 (2018- - Don't show the "Strange tileData" warnings - Pegged bootstrap to version 3.3.7 ## v0.10.16 (2018-02-01) - Fixed a bug during active range selection when the _select_ mouse tool is deactivated ## v0.10.15 (2018-01-30) - Added the vertical bed-like track ## v0.10.13 (2018-01-25) - Added the multivec track ## v0.10.12 (2018-01-21) - Fixed pseudocounts in linear-scaled heatmaps ## v0.10.12 (2018-01-20) - Fixed get scale bug ## v0.10.11 (2018-01-17) - Fixed non-draggable views bug ## v0.10.10 (2018-01-17) - Default to log scaling if there are negative values - Fixed the custom colormap - Fix the gene annotations color changing - Fixed two regressions regarding the viewport projections ## v0.10.9 (2018-01-13) - Skipping a version because the latest version wasn't specified in package.json ## v0.10.8 - Skipping a version because the latest version wasn't specified in package.json ## v0.10.7 (2018-01-13) - Show current data resolution in tiled sets containing raw resolutions rather than zoom levels ## v0.10.6 (2017-12-28) - Load ResizeSensors after the element is attached to the DOM tree - Added DivergentBarTrack - Fixed submenu hiding bug ## v0.10.5 (2017-12-27) - Fixed bug in TrackRenderer.setUpInitialScales where updating the view with new equivalent initial domains and different dimensions led to the view being misplaced - Added z-index to popup menus ## v0.10.4 (2017-12-16) - Fixed a bug in zoomToData - New API call for setViewConfig - New API call for zoomToDataExtent ## v0.10.3 (2017-12-13) - Don't include a colon if the port is 80 - Added an option to clear the view - Exclude NaN values when setting the valueScale - Fixed bug related to displaying empty matrix tiles ## v0.10.2 (2017-12-12) - Fixed a bug in loading tileset info that isn't there - Better error handling on internal server error - Removed functionless menu item ## v0.10.1 (2017-12-05) - Fixed bug in Bedlike tracks that don't have a header ## v0.10.0 (2017-12-05) - Change track type from the config menu - Initial framework for divided by tracks - Y-positioned bed-like tracks ## v0.9.16 (2017- - Fixed undefined error when toggling genome position search box ## v0.9.15 (2017-11-22) - Fixed bug where newly selected annotations weren't being used - Added the hideHeader option - Added a warning for malformed gene annotations - Free up webgl renderer resources when unmount - Minor CSS cleanup - Fix resizing bug that appears after closing a view - Warn if there are no track source servers specified in the viewconf ## v0.9.14 (2017-11-11) - Show labels on bar chart ## v0.9.13 (2017-11-09) - Fixed gene position searching regression ## v0.9.12 (2017-11-08) - Fix inter-chromosomal searches (chr1-chr2) ## v0.9.11 (2017-11-08) - Fix gene annotation coloring bug - Fix menu clash error that occurs when a center track is specified without a combined track - Zoom into entire chromosomes by just entering its name ## v0.9.10 (2017-11-01) - Fixed d3 brush Error: attribute height: Expected length, "Infinity" - Fixed scale initialization error - Added back heatmap value scaling - Fixed horizontal heatmap multires tile loading - Better point export ## v0.9.9 (2017-11-01) - Fix SVG bar chart export - Fixed network error on SVG export again (from v0.8.44) ## v0.9.8 (2017-10-31) - Switch back to minified build ## v0.9.7 (2017-10-31) - Initialize scales when viewconfig is loaded rather than on handleScalesChanged ## v0.9.6 (2017-10-31) - Faulty build (package.json wasn't there) ## v0.9.5 (2017-10-31) - Fix visual clash of the center track's context menu and the colormap - Make visualization of 2D annotations more flexible: stroke width and fill / stroke opacity can be changed - Create debug output files ## v0.9.4 (2017-10-26) - Reintroduced value scale serialization fix - Fixed HorizontalHeatmapExport - Added a minimum width to 2D annotations - Added SVG export for 2d-rectangle-domains track ## v0.9.3 (2017-10-23) - Removed console log statement ## v0.9.2 (2017-10-23) - Fixed the build script to copy hglib.css rather than style.css ## v0.9.1 (2017-10-23) - Add support for vertical bar tracks - Fixed .travis.yml release issue ## v0.9.0 (2017-10-21) - Add 1D and 2D range selection - Add support for SASS - Add support for CSS Modules - Update visuals of the context menu and view header - Integrate search bar into view header - Add ESLint and adhere to consistent code style - (Fix #135) - Colorbar moves with the track when it's being resized - (Fix #126) - Gene annotations shouldn't overlap on vertical tracks anymore - Keep track controls visible if config menu is active - Show child menus above the parent if there isn't enough space on the bottom - Add port number when exporting viewconfs from a non-standard port - Support arbitrary resolutions in heatmaps ## v0.8.44 - Redraw TiledPixiTracks after the tileset info has been received - Remove value scale locks on handleCloseTrack - Check that tiledPlot is defined in createSVG to fix the export failing when there's two side-by-side by views created after closing one - Fixed the "Failed: network error" issue in chrome by changing the "download" function in utils.js ## v0.8.43 - More fixes for SVG output for bedlike tracks ## v0.8.42 - Fixed SVG output for bedlike tracks ## v0.8.41 - Fixed chromosome grid color bug - Fixed chromosome grid loading with many values bug ## v0.8.40 - Fixed value scale locking bug ## v0.8.37 - Fixed center track label background oddness (#144) ## v0.8.36 - (fix #146) Fixed value scale locking serialization bug - Fixed gene annotation SVG export - Fixed chromosome ticks SVG export ## v0.8.35 - Fixed colorbar hiding bug (Issue #131) ## v0.8.34 - Fixed horizontal heatmap loading after the adjustable color scale changes - Fixed vertical heatmap loading - Fixed vertical heatmap colorscale brush in LeftTrackModifier ## v0.8.33 - Removed the outside colorbar labels option (it's a little ambiguous on the right side since the labels will be adjacent to the other axis elements. ## v0.8.32 - Removed tests from package.json so that build completes (tests fail on travis for some reason) ## v0.8.31 - Add a color limit selection to the Heatmap track in HiGlass ## v0.8.30 - Cherry picked the BedLikeTrack from the circle branch ## v0.8.28 - Fixed dependencies (peer and normal) - Fixed other minor issues with `package.json` ## v0.8.27 - Fixed bug wher the "Loading" sign remained with 1D point tracks ## v0.8.26 - Different mapbox style options ## v0.8.25 - Hidden OSM tiles - Customizeable osm width ## v0.8.24 - Major performance improvements for Gene annotations and horizontal points - Fixed bug in searching for genome positions with a space at one of the ends - Added the OSM tiles ## v0.8.23 - Don't show chromosome sizes as a separate track ## v0.8.22 - 2017-07-13 - Safari add track bug fix - Backwards compatibility on selectable chromosome axis tracks ## v0.8.21 - 2017-07-10 - Fixed the default transformation for horizontal tracks ## v0.8.20 - 2017-07-10 - Fix label display ## v0.8.19 - 2017-07-10 - Added the ability to select different transformations ## v0.8.18 - 2017-06-29 - Fixed custom colormap picker - Fixed overlayed track addition on double click ## v0.8.17 - 2017-06-28 - Performance improvements ## v0.8.16 - 2017-06-27 - Fixed a regression where closing views didn't remove the associated PIXI Components - Increased the drag timeout time to 5 seconds ## v0.8.15 - 2017-06-26 - Lowered the maximum number of tiles retrieved at once to 20 ## v0.8.14 - 2017-06-26 - Increase the maximum number of tiles retrieved at once to 40 ## v0.8.13 - 2017-06-26 - Option to draw borders around tracks - Option to change the stroke, fill colors and opacity of the horizontal-2d-rectangle-domains track ## v0.8.12 - 2017-06-26 - Hide overflow track handles ## v0.8.11 - 2017-06-26 - Fixed double click track addition bug - Mask view boundaries so that when the tracks are too large to fit inside, they don't overflow outside of their view - Added favicon ## v0.8.10 - 2017-06-25 - Multiple tileset selection - Disabled zooming on scrolling fix ## v0.8.9 - Make sure that the zoomable div matches the size of the container ## v0.8.8 - 2017-06-20 - Don't start zooming when scrolling into a HGC ## v0.8.7 - 2017-06-18 - Decreased the maximum colorbar height - Made the draggable div handles more transparent - Lowered the minimum height for chromosome axes ## v0.8.6 - 2017-06-18 - Fixed a bug where the HG Component would automatically and indefinitely increase in size ## v0.8.5 - 2017-06-16 - Fixed view linking bug (regression) - Added horizontal and vertical 2D domains tracks ## v0.8.4 - 2017-06-12 - Include a limit in the tilesets query so that all results are returned ## v0.8.3 - 2017-06-06 - Fixed a regression where adding new tracks doesn't work ## v0.8.2 - 2017-06-01 - Move hglib.css to dist/styles rather than dist/ ## v0.8.1 - 2017-06-01 - Changed package.json to create hglib.css rather than style.css ## v0.8.0 - 2017-06-01 - Switched to webpack 2 - Various warning fixes in the code - Pull chromsizes from the tilesets table instead - Remove the chroms table and app ## v0.7.3 - 2017-05-23 - Added stroke width as a property of line tracks - Fixed view layout bug caused by the "i" member of the layout not matching the view's uid - Fixed resizing so that vertical changes get handled immediately ## v0.7.2 - Added purple and turquoise colors - Added an option to control the label opacity ## v0.7.1 - Added horizontal and vertical track viewport projections - Bug fix where assembly name gets removed from track label ## v0.7.0 - Added an assembly selector to the GenomePositionSearchBox - Prefix track names with their assembly ## v0.6.9 - Lower the default resolution of lines for performance reasons - Added outsideLeft, outsideRight, outsideTop and outsideBottom as available axis positions ## v0.6.8 - Component sizes are adjsuted on component load - Genome position search box styling is set to not have a bottom margin ## v0.6.7 - Unbounded functionality to increase the size of the layout if new tracks are added which increase its size - Configurable track label background opacity - Fixed: vertical colorbar label mirroring ## v0.6.6 - Bug fix: closing a track which had a value scale lock with another track now works ## v0.6.5 - Bug fix: tracks rendered with locked scale, rather than just the colorbar - Bug fix: locked line scales - Bug fix: assorted other track locking, scale and colorbar bugs ## v0.6.4 - Added value scale locking - Fixed bug where newly added heatmaps didn't render (syncTrackObjects needs to call applyZoomTransform) - Fixed bug where new chromosome axis didn't appear after being added - Had to call animate after the chromosome info was received ## v0.6.3 - Added colorbar for Heatmaps - Draw scales on the outside of the linear tracks - Added the SquareMarkerTrack ## v0.6.2 - Scale tracks from minimum to maximum value, rather than starting at 0 ## v0.6.1 - Fixed a minor issue with chromosome labels not being exported ## v0.6.0 - Automatically draw the 2D grid after the data is loaded - Add animated zoom transitions - Add public BEDPE-like API to navigate to a given location - SVG export - Testing using Karma - (Might have been in a different release) Default to interpolation-less rendering ## v0.5.16 - Fixed resizing bug ## v0.5.15 - Added mm9 chromosome labels - Draw chromosome labels on reload - Take name from track options ## v0.5.14 - Revert the initialXDomain changes Fritz introduced because they were causing issues with faithful reproduction of viewconfs - Change 'tilesetInfo not loaded message' to 'loading...' until we either get an error or the tileset is loaded - Omit certain fields from JSON export (HiGlassComponenent.getViewsAsString) ## v0.5.12 - Fixed export viewconfig link bug ## v0.5.11 - Added the fall colormap and made it the default ## v0.5.10 - Fix Chromosome2DAnnotations not being drawn by calling draw after the ChromosomeInfo is loaded - Zoom to the currently visible data - Use the minimum position to load data that is not located at the origin - Viewconf downloads work on Firefox - Alert when trying to project a viewport on the same view - Resize handle positions fixed in Firefox - Track config button icons fixed in Firefox - Only redraw in timedUpdate if track positions have changed - Fixed top and left axis not appearing bug - Fixed chromosome horizontal labels not appearing - Show minValue pixels by scaling from minValue to maxValue + minValue and adding minValue to each pixel - Fix viewport projection error when new viewconfig is passed ## v0.5.9 - Labels outside of the bounds of a track - Label colors ## v0.5.8 - A host of performance improvements ## v0.5.7 - Empty accidental release ## v0.5.6 - Add log scaling to line tracks - Add colors to line tracks - Add width option to 2D grid - Add color option to 2D grid ## v0.5.5 - Add per-view `zoomFixed` settings - Added configurable viewport projection colors (projectionFillColor, projectionStrokeColor) - Added an empty .npmignore to prevent it from excluding the dist/ directory specified in the .gitignore - Enhance 2D annotations by supporting RGBA, fill and stroke-dependent coloring, and locus-wise min width / height definitions - Remove builds. Use NPM ## v0.5.4 - Fixed bug related to the selection of the plot type - Update existing tracks before adding new ones in syncTrackObjects - Removed the "Move up" menu item - Deep copy incoming viewconfs so that changing them outside of the component leads to an update - Added onLocationChanged event listener ## v0.5.3 - Forgot to bump the version number in 0.5.2 ## v0.5.2 - Don't draw data that extends beyond the end of the assembly - Fixed bug where data was being hidden in empty (all 0) tiles - Changed minVisibleValue and maxVisibleValue in TiledPixiTrack - Label the horizontal and vertical line tracks by default ## v0.5.1 - Configurable gene annotation colors - Added chromosome annotations tracks for programmatically addeable annotations - Fixed the 'Cannot read property 0 of undefined' bug when tileset info is inaccessible - Remove track resize handles when the component isn't editable - Fix bug associated with setting a new initial[X/Y]Domain where the cumulativeCenterOffset wasn't being reset - Bug fix where if a view doesn't have a uid we should assign it one ## v0.5.0 - Default to 12 columns - Display a warning if tileset info isn't found - Use 16bit floats for heatmap data ## v0.4.40 - Remove default colormap from viewconfig ## v0.4.39 - Switch cog and close buttons ## v0.4.33 - New header colors ## v0.4.32 - Reduced the number of tiles requested by the horizontal heatmap track - Removed console log statements ## v0.4.31 - Fixed regression and compatibility change with new zoom and location locking - Fixed regression in the selection dragging ## v0.4.30 - Added a minimum width to left-axis so that it doesn't only show the last two digits by default * Added horizontal and vertical heatmaps - Styling changes for the Configure track controls - Fixed the bug with AddTrackMenu cancel button turning black by properly increasing the number of visible tilesets in TilesetFinder - Added options to allow flipping horizontal and vertical charts - Fixed NaN prefix bug - Fixed invalid negative value attributes for bug ## v0.4.29 - Moved default heatmap information to lower right hand corner - Fixed a bug which distorted the view when initialized with an initial X scale and Y scale - Added white to red, white to green and white to blue scales - Added axes for the 1D tracks - Took the ID out of the view header - Added a white border behind the track controls ## v0.4.28 - Fixed critical regression where track replacement wasn't working because newly created tracks didn't have their options set - Fixed a regression where track movement wasn't working because TiledPlot wasn't being updated - Increase the size of the tileset selector ## v0.4.27 - Changed config.js Chromosome Labels to Chromosome Axis - Fixed default option setting so that it doesn't override provided options - Adding zoom limit option to heatmap - Add current resolution to the track label - Fixed regression caused by "Fast redraw by tiling commit" - Hitting enter in the genome position search box initiates a search ## v0.4.26 - Fixed close button ## v0.4.25 - Fractional zoom lock - Faster config menu loading - Faster track addition by limiting the udpates of TiledPlot (using shouldComponentUpdate) ## v0.4.21 - Chromosome grid positions start at position 1 - Export link includes 'app' ## v0.4.20 - Changed tile API location to use included server value rather than prepending '//' ## v0.4.19 - Removed dist directory from .gitignore ## v0.4.18 - Use production react in the build - Added dist to .gitignore ## v0.4.17 - Updated default view config - Wider ticks ## v0.4.16 - Fritz's public API ## v0.4.15 - Fritz's lazy animation - Fritz's public API - Minimum height for tracks can be specified in track type definition in config.js - New chromosome 2D grid (for hg19) - New chromosome 1D axis (for hg19) - New chromosome horizontal axis (for hg19)