Developer ********* Cheat Codes =========== Cheat codes are meant to expose functionality that shouldn't otherwise be available. They can be activated by passing `cheatCodesEnabled` as an option to the HiGlassComponent and then typing a string when a higlass window is visible. - "hgedit": Toggle the header and make the higlass component editable. Testing ======= To run the tests use: .. code-block:: bash npm run test-watch To only run specific test suites, open ``karma.conf.js`` and select which tests to run. All http requests can be automatically mocked and their responses stored in ``test/mocked-responses``. This makes it possible to use a local higlass server when adding new tests. New tests that use data which has not been already stored, should be run a few times locally in order to mock all occuring http requests. Please note: When adding new viewConfigs that make use of mocked responses, make sure that links do not start with ``//`` but with ``http(s)://``. The mocking library ``fetch-mock`` that we are using, does not support links without protocol. In order get started with mocked responses, follow the setup of ``FetchMockHelper`` as in ``DenseDataExtremaTests``. JSON Schema ----------- There are unit tests that validate all the viewconfs that have been checked in as fixtures. If you want to validate just one viewconf by hand: .. code-block:: bash npm install -g ajv-cli ajv validate -s app/schema.json -d docs/examples/viewconfs/default.json Boilerplate ----------- Use the following template and replace individual ``it`` blocks to set up new tests. Add this code to the `tests` directory and add a line to `karma.conf.js` to include it in the tests. .. code-block:: javascript /* eslint-env node, jasmine */ import { configure, // render, } from 'enzyme'; import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'; import { expect } from 'chai'; // Utils import { mountHGComponent, removeHGComponent, getTrackObjectFromHGC } from '../app/scripts/utils'; configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); describe('Horizontal heatmaps', () => { let hgc = null; let div = null; beforeAll((done) => { ([div, hgc] = mountHGComponent(div, hgc, viewconf, done, { style: 'width:800px; height:400px; background-color: lightgreen', bounded: true, }) ); }); it('should respect zoom limits', () => { // add your tests here const trackObj = getTrackObjectFromHGC(hgc.instance(), 'vv', 'tt'); expect(trackObj.calculateZoomLevel()).to.eql(1); }); afterAll(() => { removeHGComponent(div); }); }); // enter either a viewconf link or a viewconf object const viewconf = { "editable": true, "zoomFixed": false, "trackSourceServers": [ "/api/v1", "" ], "exportViewUrl": "/api/v1/viewconfs/", "views": [ { "tracks": {} "uid": "vv" } ], } Convenience Functions --------------------- To get the track object associated with a view and track uid: .. code-block:: javascript import { getTrackObjectFromHGC } from '../app/scripts/utils'; const trackObj = getTrackObjectFromHGC(hgc.instance(), 'view_uid', 'track_uid') Contributor Guidelines ======================= Contributions are in the form of issues, code, documentation are always very welcome. The following are a set of guidelines to help ensure that contributions can be smoothly merged into the existing code base: 1. All code contributions should be accompanied by a test. Tests can be placed into the `test` folder. 2. All added functions should include a jsdoc string for javascript code or a numpy style docstring for python code.